If you get 72 virgins in heaven, then my life is already heaven, bitches! |
In my unbelievably brilliant and intellectually innovative How Non-Violence Protects the State, which was single-handedly responsible for purging the post-Seattle North American anarchist scene of weak and decadent pacifists, I wrote:
A good case study regarding the efficacy of nonviolent protest can be seen in Spain's involvement with the US-led occupation. Spain, with 1,300 troops, was one of the larger junior partners in the "Coalition of the Willing." More than one million Spaniards protested the invasion, and 80 percent of the Spanish population was opposed to it, but their commitment to peace ended there - they did nothing to actually prevent Spanish military support for the invasion and occupation. Because they remained passive and did nothing to disempower the leadership, they remained as power less as the citizens of any democracy. Not only was Spanish prime minister Aznar able and allowed to go to war, he was expected by all forecasts to win reelection-until the bombings. On March 11, 2004, just days before the voting booths opened, multiple bombs planted by an Al-Qaida-linked cell exploded in Madrid train stations, killing 191 people and injuring thousands more. Directly because of this, Aznar and his party lost in the polls, and the Socialists, the major party with an anti-war platform, were elected into power. The US-led coalition shrunk with the loss of 1,300 Spanish troops, and promptly shrunk again after the Dominican Republic and Honduras also pulled out their troops. Whereas millions of peaceful activists voting in the streets like good sheep have not weakened the brutal occupation in any measurable way,a few dozen terrorists willing to slaughter noncombatants were able to cause the withdrawal of more than a thousand occupation troops. [...] So far, no alternatives to terrorism have been developed within the relatively vulnerable belly of the beast to substantially weaken the occupation. Hence, the only real resistance is occurring in Iraq, where the US and its allies are most prepared to meet it, at great cost to the lives of guerrillas and noncombatants. So much for the victories of pacifism.
The time has come to open our jihadist comrades into our warm and enveloping arms, they may be patriarchal and authoritarian but remember they are objectively speaking the only real resistance to US imperialism the Islamic world can ever hope for.
Decadent counter-revolutionaries such as Yezidis, Sufis, Mandeans, and Assyrian Christians must be crushed. |
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